SRD S1E8 - "Stat-Sisterly Impossible"
Starlight Radio Dreams

Tensions are high when Devin's older and conventionally more successful sister, statistical analyst Megan Showtime-Dubach, guest stars on the show. Burlington and the rest of the SRD gang find her incredibly delightful... fueling the fire of Devin's frustrations and insecurities. Featuring the most recent episodes of "Geezerspace" and "Lost in Paradise".

Written and Directed by Ansel Burch, Adam McAleavey and Derrick Gaetke
Musical Accompaniment by Arne Parrott

Kat Evans as Megan Showtime-Dubach
Anna Gaetke as Devin Showtime
Ansel Burch as Burlington Showtime
Arne Parrott as Professor Pianist
Adam McAleavey as Dick Oranges
Kamron Palmer as Owen Mankowitz
Ellen DeSitter as the Intern
With Derrick Gaetke and Brian Miskelly

Sound Design by Peter Carparelli

