SRD Presents: Crashing Super Early
Jake Dewar

Being an adult mans that you can do whatever you want right? Like you could eat pudding any time. If you don’t want to change your sheets, no one else is going to make you. Sadly, it also means you have to be the one making yourself change your sheets and deciding when you’ve probably had enough sweets for the month after last time you bought pudding. Sleep is the same way. You gotta sleep and while grown ups can go to bed whenever they want, chances are pretty good if you’ve got stuff to do in the morning; that next achievement in Animal Crossing should wait. Well, one more, then for sure you’ll go to bed. This song from the amazing Jake Dewar as Mr. Studebaker should help to bring us all to peace with what we ought to be doing even if tomorrow’s commute is just from the bed to the table within 30 feet of bed where you have your computer set up.

Performed and produced by Jake Dewar


